The Best Core Exercise For People Over 50 (According To A Trainer)
The workout we’ve created adds the elements of balance, symmetry, oblique lifts, and low back engagement to give you a complete, all-around core strength challenge. And it’s all about planks! What’s so great about planks? Can they really be that good? Well, the answer is YES! Planks are one of those solid, tried-and-true workout moves […]

The workout we’ve created adds the elements of balance, symmetry, oblique lifts, and low back engagement to give you a complete, all-around core strength challenge. And it’s all about planks!
What’s so great about planks? Can they really be that good? Well, the answer is YES! Planks are one of those solid, tried-and-true workout moves that deliver on what it promises – tight, strong abs – as long as you do them correctly.
Benefits To Doing The Plank Challenge When You’re Over 50

Flatter Abs
A.K.A. tighter tummy. Okay, maybe it’s vanity but I bet most of you would like flatter abs. But here’s the thing- it’s NOT just about good looks! Having a smaller tummy means less weight pulling in the front and straining on your back. A flatter tummy also promotes better posture and of course, makes it easier to button your jeans.
Decreased Back Pain
The strength built in your core during a plank is one of the best ways to ward off or help decrease back pain. Having a stronger core without putting strain on your spine makes for a healthy, happy back! The American Council on Exercise (“ACE”) includes the plank as one of the 5 best exercises to ward off back pain.
Improved Balance and Posture
As noted before, having a nice, strong center is going to give you better posture. Practicing a plank will make you stand taller and look leaner. In addition, your core is the center point for your balance. When you have better core strength you have better balance and balance is an absolute necessity, especially as we age!
Ready, Set, Plank!

Perform each of the following exercise for 30 seconds and move directly to the next one.
Go through the routine twice for an 8-minute, ab-building workout.
Your plank form is crucial so be sure to keep everything tight and aligned.
Plank to Single-Arm Reach

A) Begin in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your feet together, and your body in a straight line.
B) Raise your right arm and hold for one count. Repeat on the other side.
Continue for 30 seconds.
Side Plank Lift and Lower

A) Come into a side forearm plank by lying in one long line on one side, stacking your elbow under your shoulder and keeping your forearm on the mat perpendicular to your body. Stack your feet and stay in one long line as you engage your core and lift your hips up forming a side forearm plank.
B) Dip your hips down toward the mat and lift back up using your obliques and core muscles.
Keep dipping for 30 seconds. Then switch to the other side for another 30 seconds.
Plank to Balance Plank

A) Begin in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your feet together, and your body in a straight line.
B) Raise your right hand off the floor at the same time as your left foot and leg and hold for one count. Return your hand and foot to the floor and repeat with your opposite hand and foot.
Continue for 30 seconds.
Side Plank Crunch

A) Come into a side forearm plank by lying in one long line on one side, stacking your elbow under your shoulder, and keeping your forearm on mat perpendicular to your body. Stack your feet and stay in one long line as you engage your core and lift your hips up forming a side forearm plank. Lift your top arm toward the ceiling.
B) Bring the elbow on your top arm and knee on your top leg in to tap the elbow and knee together. Then reach both long and repeat the tap working your obliques and entire core with these crunches.
Perform for 30 seconds on each side.
Reverse Plank

A) Start seated on the floor with legs long in front of your body. Place hands behind your hips slightly wider than shoulders with fingers pointed toward your feet.
B) Lift hips and torso off the floor and gaze up toward the ceiling keeping your neck relaxed. Keep your body in a long line with softly pointed toes. Keep abdominals tight and do not let your back sag.
Hold for 30 seconds then release to the floor slowly.
Cross Body Plank

A) Begin in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your feet together, and your body in a straight line.
B) Lift your right leg off the floor and bring your knee toward your chest and across your body, bringing your knee as close to your opposite elbow as possible. Return your leg to be back in a full plank and repeat on the opposite side.
Repeat for 30 seconds.
Rest for 30 seconds and repeat the sequence for a total of 8 minutes!
Walking For Weight Loss | Your 14-Day Plan

Guess what, my friends, walking works. Study after study proves that people who walk regularly stay more youthful, stronger, and happier in old age. To get started, try my free 14-day challenge and get walking for a weight loss plan.
Whether you like to walk on a machine, around your workplace, or in your neighborhood, walking can and should easily be incorporated into your daily life.
I’m a huge fan myself. I try to walk a few miles at least six days a week and notice the difference it has made in my physical and mental health.
Walking For Weight Loss | Your 14-Day Plan
I Tested The Best Lululemon Look Alikes on Amazon: Here Are My Favorites

Have no fear, as a fitness expert and an avid shopper, I have done my homework and I have tested the best Lululemon look alikes that Amazon has to offer.
I’ve been in the fitness industry for over 30 years working as a Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor and Health Coach. And I will admit I became a Lululemon fan even before Lululemon became all the rage. Their leggings and other apparel have amassed a very large fan base over the last two decades. But here’s the problem for their large fan base: it’s expensive.
I Tested The Best Lululemon Look Alikes on Amazon: Here Are My Favorites
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