Caring and Bonds

Several myths regarding exercise and nutrition

Do you find that deciding what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, and how muc...

Well-Being Wisdom: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Soul

In today's fast-paced world, prioritizing your well-being is essential for maint...

Seven Ways to Help Kids Develop Healthier Eating Habits and Avoid Junk Food

Encouraging and easily accessible junk food options abound, so it's imperative f...

5 common nutritional deficiencies in toddlers and tips to prevent them

Feeding toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3 can be extremely challenging. These...

Newborn screening: What happens when babies are screened at birth?

Having a baby is a beautiful feeling for a parent, but you can’t deny that it co...

Protect your kid from the heatwave

Summer vacations are one of the best days for a school-going kid. From summer ca...

10 reasons why second-hand smoke is dangerous for kids

Tobacco is one of the leading risk factors for diseases and deaths globally. Thi...

Know about this rare eye cancer that mostly affects children

Retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer, is a condition that every parent shou...

Ear infection in children

An ear infection, also known as otitis media, is a common condition that affects...

Building Strong Sibling Bonds

Sibling relationships hold a special place in our lives, filled with shared memo...

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